This is that time of the year where I find myself stagnating a little bit. It's cold out. It's dark, most of the time. And for whatever reason, this is the second year in a row where I thought that January would be the best time to bog my life down with insane busyness. School starts tomorrow. That is a point of stress, and additionally, all the other winter things are swirling around me (literally, and figuratively). In the back of my mind live the constant thoughts of planning for the rest of my life (a disease born of being a Gardner). My only salvation appears to be skiing, and my friends. And though my friend time is sparse (as is my tendency), I find that a good dose refreshes my soul.
As to what I have been up to-- let's see, I spent Christmas with my parents, Nellie and Aunt Lynnie, and it was a blissfully simple. We went to church had a relaxed Christmas morning, I skied and then we ate Christmas dinner. Apart from having to work on the 26th, all was well. New Year's found me out in Willow at some friends' cabin. We had an epic ski, ate too much good food and blew things up (albeit on a relatively small scale). All in all a great weekend, again slightly ruined by the need to return to Anchorage, and work on the 2nd.

A poor picture of the December eclipse.

Yahtzee had us captivated.

This was as close as we got to spelling 2011.

Happy New Year!