Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tour of Anchorage

Somehow summer zipped by and school starts again next week. I can't say that I have been up to too terribly much. Andrew came and visited for two weeks. This time was highlighted by hiking Lost Lakes and going on a three day sailing trip. I also forced Dad and Andrew into slave labor in order to help complete the renovation of the AMH apartment. A blog post describing that project with pictures is to follow.

A highlight of August was the biking Tour of Anchorage. Again, bike racing continues to be an experience for me. Racing five times in four days, including three races in 20 hours was challenging as well. However, bike racing, unlike ski racing, is not an all-out all the time kind of event. The group races are cagey and you spend large parts of the race spinning and biding your time.

A short 5 mile time trial prologue on the first night.

Friday night was a 32 mile road race, where I broke away after around 21 miles and then crashed on the final corner, but got up to limp in for the sport win.

Saturday morning we rode up Rabbit Creek from Potter and finished at the Upper Huffman trailhead-- a real lung buster.

Looking fast, but going slowly on Saturday afternoon at the Portage TT.

The final day was an 80 minute (plus a lap) crit on the new MLK boulevard. I won both bonus sprints and the final. I guess it's time to move up to expert!