Friday, November 27, 2009

It's that Time of the Year Again...

The holidays are here. I have particularly mixed feelings about the season this year. I suppose it is a good thing to have a few days off of work, to see my brother and his wife-- those are the things I am looking forward to. The rest of it, the gifts, the craziness, the stress, the particular loneliness the holidays bring-- well those are all things I could do without. To make matters worse it is the cold and more crucially, dark season up here. Cold I can tolerate, but the darkness, that gets old fast.

I have been getting out in the limited light, however, I have not been bring my camera and thus have zero pictures to post. Today I tromped up to Bear Point out in Chugiak. It was a wonderful view, the clouds even cleared so I could see the bigger peaks up the Peter's Creek Valley, but it was getting dark as we hustled down the mountain at 4:00pm. Less than a month until things start to get lighter, not darker. One more week of school as well. This is good in that I will be happy to not have to go to my evening class-- but it will also mean a little cramming in anticipation of the final exam. Something I should probably be doing right now.