Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May Adventures

The month of May was filled with lots of hours at the store working, but also a few good spring adventures. I made it out hiking several times, and down to the highway to try some sport routes as well. I even brought my camera along for a couple of these outings. Here are a few pictures of a hike along the ridge behind flattop with Adele and Mason:

Mason in the ash-covered snow behind Peak 2

Beautiful mountain flowers growing pretty much straight out of the rock

Enjoying a drink and a snack along the ridge with Mason

Adele and Mason looking down over their domain

On Sunday, the last day of May, Clint, his friend Lee and I did a couple of sport climbs on Northwest Passage along the highway. The wind was funneling up the gully and it was incredibly chilly while belaying. The first climb, Northwest Passage, was a 5.10b, or a 5.9 with tree (which I climbed). The second, which Clint and Lee tackled was a 5.10b called U-Reek-A. I will have to try the 5.9s, Organic Oasis and Klondike the next time I head to this area.

Clint leading up Northwest Passage

Surveying my options on Northwest Passage

Lee makes it look easy, without the tree

Clint demonstrates the most attractive way to climb the crux at the base of U-Reek-A

Clint cruising on U-Reek-A

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